I've realised there is a bit of a purple theme going on with my training kit and have been reminded of the poem "
Warning" by Jenny Joseph about wearing purple and not caring about what people think. As I am 46, I guess I qualify on the 'old' scale and there is a certain
laissez-faire attitude I have now, having been through quite a few 'experiences' in my life so far.
But, this week has been a bit of a low point in my training due to minor injury and some hurtful comments made 'in jest'. I know I will never be 16 again nor completely able-bodied or 'normal' but I just want a chance to participate in sport at whatever level I can achieve. That Triathlon is so inclusive has been great encouragement, but the cost of participation is prohibitive, so it is no wonder there is only one female Tri1 competing in the U.K. at present and only three at the Worlds in Budapest last year.
The equipment in the photo, without which I cannot compete are: custom-built racing chair £2095 for a basic model, £110 for gloves (which only last 6 mths), Hand bike £4, 295 (mine was £2553.08 second hand and I have just spent £399 on it, including £150.00 just in labour costs at Draft), which totals £6500 (or £4157.08 expenditure for me) before you have even entered a race! Of course wetsuit, computers, turbos, helmet, clothes etc. are on top of this.
This represents a huge investment and is probably equivalent to an able-bodied athlete buying a carbon bike, a good pair of running shoes, plus a top end wetsuit for their very first triathlon. Most people would think they were mad! If only there were rental schemes or clubs with equipment to try or more second hand gear on the market, or coaches trained in coaching paratriathletes...